Gassman, Sarah


Dr. Gassman specializes in geotechnical engineering. Her research interests are multidisciplinary in nature and currently include projects focused on non-destructive evaluation of foundations and bridge structures; the effect of soil aging on liquefaction potential; field performance of culvert pipe and behavior of embankment fill materials.

Biographical Profile

Molinaroli College of Engineering & Computing
Civil & Environmental Eng.
Tenure Status

Interest Background

Do you include students in your research?
Undergraduates and Graduates
Interest Keywords
Geotechnical Engineering, soil mechanics, nondestructive evaluation, liquefaction, foundations
Institutional Focus Areas
Materials Research, Science and Engineering (Other)
Personal Focus Areas
Geotechnical Engineering

Professional Preparation(Education & Training)

Dates Institution Location Degree Field of Study
1997 Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois Ph.D. Civil Engineering/Geotech
1994 Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois M.S. Civil Engineering/Geotech
1992 Southern Methodist University Dallas, Texas B.S. Civil Engineering

Positions & Appointments

Dates Description Institution/Entity
1997 - 2003 Assistant Professor: Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Carolina
2003 Associate Professor (tenured): Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of South Carolina

Recognition Awards, Honors, & Fellowships

Dates Type Description Foundation/Entity
Award USC Technology Transfer Award
Award NSF CAREER Award
Award USC COE&IT Research Progress Award
Award Best Overall Paper, ASCE Proc. of the International Foundation Congress and Equipment Exposition
Award Outstanding New Teacher Award, ASEE Southeastern Section
Award Highlighted Researcher, USC's "Carolinian" Magazine
The two sections below (Awards and Pending Proposals) are only viewable by PIs, business managers, chairs, and deans.
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