Erdei, Ron

Associate Professor

Dr. Ronald Erdei (pronounced air-day) is an Assistant Professor of Computational Science at the University of South Carolina Beaufort. He completed his PhD in Computer and Information Technology at Purdue University in the summer of 2016, where he had been working and teaching for some years. As of Fall 2017, Dr. Erdei has been the instructor of record (under varying titles) for 15 computer programming or information technology courses, as well as 7 courses in design theory and practice.

Biographical Profile

University of SC Beaufort
BFT Math & Comp. Science
Tenure Status

Interest Background

Interest Keywords
Instructional scaffolding in computing disciplines, cooperative learning in college students, pedagogical practices aimed at reducing barriers to the learning process
Personal Focus Areas
Instructional scaffolding in computing disciplines, cooperative learning in college students, pedagogical practices aimed at reducing barriers to the learning process
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