Dr. Paudyal is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine. She joined the University Specialty Clinics in July, 2016 after completing her Rheumatology Fellowship at the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA. Her areas of interests include rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, and she is currently researching epidemiology and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in end stage renal disease.
Biographical Profile
School of Medicine
Internal Medicine
Tenure Status
Non-Tenure Track
International Activity
International Activities
Type of Activity
Research, Teaching, Service
Kathmandu, Nepal
Taught sports medicine to coaches from all over Nepal. Provided emergency urgent care services during sports tournaments and to athletes and their families.
National Sports Council, Kathmandu Nepal - Jan. 2005 - Feb. 2005; Om Hospital and Research Center, Kathmandu Nepal - May 2004 - Apr. 2005; Institute of Genetics, Cologne, Germany.