Leventis, Alisa M.


Ami Leventis regularly teaches Legal Research, Analysis & Writing I and II to first-year students. She also teaches Advanced Legal Writing, Introduction to Drafting Business Agreements, and Drafting Business Agreements Workshop to second- and third-year student

Biographical Profile

Joseph F. Rice School of Law
Law - Dean's Office
Tenure Status
Non-Tenure Track

Interest Background

Do you include students in your research?
Interest Keywords

Professional Preparation(Education & Training)

Dates Institution Location Degree Field of Study
2001 University of Virginia School of Law Juris Doctor Law
1995 University of Virginia BA Environmental Sciences; French (minor)

Positions & Appointments

Dates Description Institution/Entity
1995 - 1996 The Southwestern Company, Nashville, Tennessee, Field Manager
1995 The Southwestern Company, Nashville, Tennessee, Independent Dealer
1996 - 1998 The Southwestern Company, Nashville, Tennessee, Sales Leader
1999 - 2000 Morgan Lewis, LLP, Washington, DC, Summer Associate
2000 Gunderson Dettmer, LLP., Summer Associate
2001 - 2004 Gunderson Dettmer, LLP, Associate Technology Group
2004 - 2007 Gunderson Dettmer, LLP, Menlo Park, CA, Contract Attorney
2007 Legal Writing Instructor (full-time, non tenure track), USC law
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