Cooper, Joshua N


Dr. Cooper works in discrete mathematics, having studied topics in probabilistic combinatorics, graph theory, discrete geometry, combinatorial number theory, spectral (hyper)graph theory, discrepancy, universal cycles, permutations, coding theory, quantitative information theory, and extremal combinatorics. He has a substantial background in network science ("real world graphs") computational linguistics (esp. compositional semantics), complexity theory, and computational sentiment analysis.

Biographical Profile

College of Arts and Sciences
Tenure Status

Interest Background

Do you include students in your research?
Undergraduates and Graduates
Interest Keywords
Hypergraphs, spectral theory, combinatorial number theory, computational sentiment analysis, computational linguistics, network theory, crowd science
Institutional Focus Areas
Behavioral Sciences, Science and Engineering (Other), Computational Sciences
Personal Focus Areas
Combinatorics, Big Data Analytics, Number Theory

Professional Preparation(Education & Training)

Dates Institution Location Degree Field of Study
08/1999 - 06/2003 University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA PhD Mathematics (Combinatorics)
09/1995 - 12/1998 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA BS Mathematics

Memberships & Professional Activities

Dates Type Description Institution/Entity
09/2006 Membership Member of the Industrial Mathematics Institute IMI-USC
2008 Membership Mentor for Magellan Scholar Chris Piorel, First Prize at poster session at USC Discovery Day
2009 Membership Mentor for Magellan Scholars Bill Kay and Andrew Mamroth
2013 Membership Editorial Board member of Involve Involve
02/2009 Professional Activity Consulting Faculty Member of USC Jewish Studies Program
07/2009 Professional Activity Guest co-supervisor of "Research Experence for Graduate Students", Department of Mathematics at he University of Illionois Urbana-Champaign
08/2009 Professional Activity Organizer of USC Combinatorics Seminar
08/2009 - 05/2012 Professional Activity Organizer of USC Combinatorics Seminar University of South Carolina
2010 Professional Activity Proposal reviewer for Fonds Quebecois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies Fonds de recherche du Quebec
2010 - 2012 Professional Activity Co-PI (with Linyuan Lu) of National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Undergraduate National Science Foundation
2010 Professional Activity Proposal reviewer for National Science Foundation National Science Foundation
2010 Professional Activity Guest Editor of Special Issue Dedicated to Ron Graham of the Journal of Combinatorics
2010 Professional Activity Proposal reviewer for National Security Agency National Security Agency
09/2011 Professional Activity Co-organizer of Special Session on New Developments in Graph Theory at AMS Southeastern American Mathematical Society
Professional Activity Organizer of 4 minisymposia at professional conferences
Professional Activity Non-chair member of 3 Ph.D dissertation committees, 1 M.S. thesis committee
Professional Activity Referee for 28 journal paper (19 journals), 5 conference papers
Professional Activity Carolina Scholar Mentor for 2008-09 and 2009-10

Positions & Appointments

Dates Description Institution/Entity
03/1996 - 05/1998 Teacher, Combinatorics MIT High School Studies Program (HSSP), Cambridge, MA
07/1996 - 09/1998 Webmaster / Software Designer / Graphics Designer Sanjeonics Inc., South Boston, MA
06/1999 - 09/1999 Quality Assurance Programmer Curl Corporation, Cambridge, MA.
09/1999 - 06/2003 Teaching Assistant University of California, San Diego
06/2000 - 09/2000 Researcher / Programmer for DTAI. Inc., San DIego, CA
06/2001 - 09/2001 Research Assistant University of California, San Diego
06/2002 - 09/2002 Research Assistant University of California, San Diego
06/2003 - 09/2003 Research Assistant University of California, San Diego
09/2003 - 12/2003 Research Associate University of Washington, Seattle, WA
09/2003 - 08/2005 NSF Mathematical Sciences Post-Doc. Research Fellow Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU
10/2004 - 12/2004 Instructor, Calculus I Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU
10/2004 - 12/2004 Instructor at the Courant Institiute of Mathematics Sciences New York University
06/2005 - 08/2005 Instructor, Vector Analysis Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU
09/2005 - 03/2006 Senior Scientist Combinatorial Structures and Algorithms Group, ETH-Zurich
10/2005 - 12/2005 Instructor Quasirandomness and Regularity, ETH-Zurich
04/2006 - 08/2006 Post-doctoral Researcher Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego
08/2006 Palmetto Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina.
08/2010 Associate Professor Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina
08/2012 Senior Data Scientist BehaviorMatrix, Blue Bell, PA

Recognition Awards, Honors, & Fellowships

Dates Type Description Foundation/Entity
2001 Award Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellow, 2001
2003 Award Recipient of National Science Foundation (NSF) Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (MSPRF) to study at NYU with Prof. Joel Spencer
2007 Award Invitation as Plenary Speaker at "Random Combinatorial Structures" conference at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln
2009 Award University of South Carolina Distinguished Undergraduate Research Mentor Award University of South Carolina
The two sections below (Awards and Pending Proposals) are only viewable by PIs, business managers, chairs, and deans.
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