Petti, Roberto


Matthias Schindler is Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of South Carolina. His areas of specialization are symmetries and symmetry violation, low-energy hadronic physics, few-nucleon systems, nucleon properties, and chiral perturbation theory.

Biographical Profile

College of Arts and Sciences
Physics & Astronomy
Tenure Status

Interest Background

Do you include students in your research?
Undergraduates and Graduates
Interest Keywords
Neutrino Physics, Structure Function Phenomenology, Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Nuclear instrumentation, Collider Physics
Institutional Focus Areas
Science and Engineering (Other)
Personal Focus Areas
Particle Physics, Renewable Energies, Nuclear Physics

Professional Preparation(Education & Training)

Dates Institution Location Degree Field of Study
1993 S. John's College University of Camb4ridge, UK Laurea Physics
1995 - 1998 University of Pavia Italy PhD Particle Physics
1989 - 1994 University of Ghislieri's College Pavia, Italy Laurea (110/110 cum laude) Physics

Positions & Appointments

Dates Description Institution/Entity
1998 - 1999 Postdoctoral Fellow in Particle Physics, University of Pavia, Italy
1999 - 2001 Research Fellow, Physics Department, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
2001 - 2005 Research Staff, Physics Department, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
2005 Assistant Professor of Physics (tenure track), Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina

Recognition Awards, Honors, & Fellowships

Dates Type Description Foundation/Entity
1994 Award Laurea in Physics with Honors (110/110 cum laude in 1994 at the University of Pavia, Italy
2008 Award Was appointed as external supervisor and collaborator at the JINR laboratory in Dubna, Russia for research activity
The two sections below (Awards and Pending Proposals) are only viewable by PIs, business managers, chairs, and deans.
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