Nagarkatti, Mitzi

Department Chair/Professor

The primary research interests of my lab include Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, Biodefense, Immunopharmacology, Immunotoxicology, and Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Currently, we are pursuing research in the following specific areas: Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy

Biographical Profile

School of Medicine
Path, Microbio. & Immunology
Tenure Status

Interest Background

Do you include students in your research?
Interest Keywords
T lymphocytes, immunity, cancer therapeutics, botanicals, adhesion molecules
Institutional Focus Areas
Biomedical Sciences, Nanotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Health Sciences
Personal Focus Areas
Cancer, Autoimmunity, Immunotoxicology and Immunopharmacology, Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Professional Preparation(Education & Training)

Dates Institution Location Degree Field of Study
1981 Defense Research and Development Establishment Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India PhD Immunology
1974 Karnatak Medical College Hubli, Karnataka, India MSc Microbiology & Immunology
1970 Bangalore University Bangalore, Karnataka State, India BSc Biology, Chemistry

Memberships & Professional Activities

Dates Type Description Institution/Entity
Membership Society of Toxicology
Membership American Association of Immunologists

Positions & Appointments

Dates Description Institution/Entity
1981 - 1983 Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Immunology McMaster University Medical Center, Hamilton, Canada
1983 - 1986 Research Associate, Department of Microbiology & Immunology University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, Kentucky
1986 - 1994 Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
1994 - 1999 Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
2000 - 2005 Professor (tenured), Department of Microbiology & Immunology; Affiliate Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology; CoLeader, Immune Mechanisms Program, Massey Cancer Center Medical College of Virginia Campus, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
2005 Deputy Director, Basic and Translational Research South Carolina Cancer Center, Columbia, South Carolina
2005 Professor & Chair, Department of Pathology, Microbiology, & Immunology University of South Carolina School of Medicine
2008 President ImmunSel, LLC
2023 Elected to the Board of Directors Academy of Toxicological Sciences
Carolina Distinguished Professor University of South Carolina

Recognition Awards, Honors, & Fellowships

Dates Type Description Foundation/Entity
2010 Award Elected Board of Scientific Counselors National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Sciences
2010 Award Invited Chair National Review Panel for the National Institutes of Health for Botanical Centers NIH
2010 Award Member, "College of Reviewers" for the Center for Scientific Review NIH
2013 Award AAI Early Career Faculty Travel Award . 100th Annual Meeting of American Association of Immunologists
2018 Award Breakthrough Leadership Award Office of the Vice President for Research, University of South Carolina
Award Women in Science, Dentistry and Medicine Professional Development Award Pathways to Leadership Conference
Award Best Publication of the Year Award for paper in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology National Society of Toxicology Meeting
Award Best Publication Award for paper in the Journal of Immunology, Special Section on Immunotoxicology National Society of Toxicology Meeting
Award Society of Neuroimmunology Award
Award Award from Endocrinology Society at the "Preparing a Diverse Scientific Workforce: Eliminating Health Disparities" Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Award Award at the Annual Meeting of American Association of Immunologists (FASEB)
Award Department of Energy/Associate Western Universities Summer Faculty Fellow Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs
Award Award by NATO Advanced Studies Institute, "Targeting of Drugs: The Challenge of Peptides and Proteins"
Award Award for best paper presentation 6th International Congress of Society for Mucosal Immunology
Award Pfizer Award for Research
Award Shelton Horsley Award Virginia Academy of Sciences
2012 Fellowship American Assn. for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) American Assn. for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2016 Fellowship Fellow of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences Academy of Toxicological Sciences
2020 Fellowship Fellow (one of only two researchers in the state of South Carolina) National Academy of Inventors
The two sections below (Awards and Pending Proposals) are only viewable by PIs, business managers, chairs, and deans.
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