Reporting Concerns About the Use of Laboratory Animals


Any faculty member, student, staff member, or other individual who feels that animal misuse may have occurred has an obligation to report their concern to one of the following:

Attending Veterinarian, Dr. Shayne Barlow


Office of Research Compliance

Any faculty member, student, staff member, or other individual who feels that animal misuse may have occurred has an obligation to report their concerns. There are two ways to submit an anonymous report:
• Call the University’s Integrity Line at 844-890-0006
• Submit a secure report online at

Concerns may be reported in writing and signed or by an anonymous tip.  Persons may informally consult with the veterinarian, chairman or a committee member prior to initiation of a formal report.

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), has issued guidance on protection of persons reporting animal misuse.  The USC IACUC will protect any person that makes good faith allegations of animal misuse to appropriate institutional authorities. In addition, the Public Health Service (PHS) Act Part 493(e) mandates “the protection of informers for (1) good faith allegations of an inadequate institutional response to scientific misconduct allegations and (2) good faith cooperation with investigations of such allegations”.  Once an allegation has been made, the USC IACUC will act in a manner which protects the reputation and well-being of both the accused and the accuser.

Persons making wrongful allegations of animal misuse with malicious or vengeful intent, or persons taking wrongful action against the accuser because they have reported suspected misuse are subject to disciplinary actions by the University.



AALAS - University Animal Use Training Program
TOPAZ - To submit an animal use protocol or place an animal order
ILAR Guide for the Care & Use of Laboratory Animals - Provides standards for care and use of live, vertebrate animals in laboratory research.
Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare - Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience & Behavioral Research can be accessed here.
NIH: Public Health Service Policy
AVMA Panel on Euthanasia
Copyright © University of South Carolina Board of Trustees