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Curricula Vitae in Physical Education

Records 1 - 9 of 9
Name Personal Focus Summary

An Vera De Meester

Assistant Professor

examines the precursors of overestimation An De Meester is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Education. The overarching aim of her interdisciplinary research is to provide practical information to physical education teachers, physical education students, physical activity practitioners, sports coaches and society by addressing underlying mechanisms that foster a physically active lifestyle. Her research focuses on the dynamic relationship between children’s and adolescents’ actual and perceived motor competence.

Panayiotis Doutis

Clinical Assistant Professor

Physical education, Teaching and Teacher Education, Curriculum Panayiotis Doutis is a Clinical Assistant professor in the Department of Physical Education, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in physical education curriculum and instruction, and has served as an undergraduate director for several years. His scholarly interests focus on K- 12, pre-service, in-service, curriculum and instruction practices.

Sally A Miedema, PhD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Sally Taunton Miedema, a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Education, College of Education.
Physical education, Athletic training Developmental Sport Psychology: Interrelationships among human factors reflecting biological growth and maturation, physical self-perceptions and their role in talent identification, motor development and physical activity with an emphasis on adolescent females. 2. Imagery: The efficacy of imagery among injured and competitive athletes, developing imagery abilities, the effects of imagery in physical activity contexts, imagery measurement and its conceptual extensions.

Douglas Nave

Clinical Instructor

Physical Education Douglas Nave is the Director of the Physical Activities Program, Physical Education, and Athletic Training at the College of Education.

Danielle Nesbitt

Clinical Assistant Professor

Physical Education Danielle Nesbitt is a Clinical Instructor for the Department of Physical Education at the College of Education, University of South Carolina.

David Stodden


Multijoint ballistic motor skills, Youth physical development Dr. Stodden's research agenda focuses on promoting the acquisition and development of fundamental motor skills and the association of motor skill competence with physical activity, health-related physical fitness, perceived competence, and obesity across the lifespan. His research emphasizes the need to address and understand developmental mechanisms and casual pathways related to youth physical development and trajectories of physical activity and obesity.

Myung Ha Sur

Clinical Assistant Professor

Myung Ha (Mason) Sur, Ph.D. is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Education, College of Education.
teacher/instructor preparation and self-efficacy toward teaching individuals with disabilities, barriers and facilitators to inclusion, physical activity policy and related interventions within educational and community settings Andrea Taliaferro, Ph.D., CAPE, is a Professor in the Department of Educational and Developmental Science. She is the Program Coordinator for the Physical Education Program, and also coordinates the Master’s in Adapted Physical Education Program. She holds a national certification from NCPERID as a Certified Adapted Physical Educator and has experience working with individuals with disabilities in a variety of physical activity/education contexts including school- and community-based programming
Records 1 - 9 of 9