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Curricula Vitae in Extended University

Records 1 - 5 of 5
Name Personal Focus Summary

Nicola Barilla


Nicola Barilla is an Instructor in the College of Extended University.
Dr. Hjelm holds a PhD in English from Washington State University and has been a member of the USC faculty since 2002. Her academic specialty is in Shakespearean Drama, particularly the comedies. She teaches in Palmetto Programs.

R. Mac Jones

Associate Professor

Research and teaching interests include: postmodern fiction, American gothic fiction, and southern studies.

Dr. Shelley AJ Jones

Associate Professor

British Literature, South Carolina Studies Shelley AJ Jones’ research investigates revision, genre theory, and periodical culture, with a particular emphasis on how popular forms widened access to literature. This emphasis on access made possible by new technology informs her teaching interests as well: creating collaborative environments and communities for distant and online learners.

James Orren McKay


Natural Language Processing, Question Answering Orren McKay is an Instructor in the Department of Palmetto College Columbia, Palmetto College.
Records 1 - 5 of 5