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Curricula Vitae in Philosophy

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Name Personal Focus Summary
Indexicals and context-shifting, Generalized conversational implicatures and default reasoning I am interested in cognitive psychological models of human natural language production and understanding. I work primarily within the framework of relevance theory, but am interested in other approaches too. I also work collaboratively with psycholinguists on projects in experimental pragmatics.

Agnieszka Bolinska

Assistant Professor

ways in which scientific models enable learning about the physical systems they represent, how models of protein structure can be integrated to understand protein structure and function, how case studies can be used to draw normative philosophical conclusions about scientific practice Agnes Bolinska received her PhD (2015) from the University of Toronto and spent the following year as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Philosophy of Science. Before coming to Columbia, she also taught at the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, and most recently at Cambridge University.

Patrick Brissey


Patrick Brissey is an Instructor in the Department of Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences.
American philosophy, philosophy of logic, philosophy of mind My research centers around the study of classical American pragmatism (Charles Peirce, William James, John Dewey, G. H. Mead) and its applications in various areas of contemporary philosophy, cognitive science, and mathematical logic.

John Ceballes

Senior Instructor

Kant, Ethics John Ceballes received a PhD from Indiana University. He is committed to the value and practice of philosophy, not just for students who want to pursue graduate study in philosophy, but also for students who have other aims, perhaps in business, in the arts, in science, or in engineering. Although he has been fortunate to teach at some nationally regarded liberal arts schools, his time at public universities has also prepared him to adapt to a variety of academic settings.
philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, science and religion I work primarily in philosophy of science, specializing in physics. My work there centers on quantum theory, especially its algebraic formulation, although recently I have also been doing work in the areas of probability theory and information theory. I have also begun working in evolutionary game theory and, when all that theory is just too e-theory-al, I work on practical applications of multi-criterion decision analysis, especially in the context of environmental decision-making.
Bioethics and Philosophy of medicine, Concepts of health and disease, medical epistemology and axiology I am currently researching market-based health care.
philosophy I focus on all areas of Early Modern Philosophy, though I am particularly interested in the history of Ethics and Political Philosophy.

Kathryn Marie Lindeman

Assistant Professor

interested questions about normativity Kathryn Lindeman's research focuses on trying to locate, develop, and defend the best version of constitutivism and apply it in the wild to get some interesting normative conclusions off the ground in domains as diverse as the philosophy of law, epistemology, and the philosophy of language.
Bioethics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Social Science Dr. McClimans current research focuses on the methodology of health-related quality of life measures and the art of questioning and the use of empirical outcomes in bioethical decisions.

Albert (Tyke) Nunez

Assistant Professor

Modern Philosophy (esp. Kant), Early Analytic Philosophy, History and philosophy of logic Tyke Nunez's interests center on the history and philosophy of logic as well as the ramifications of and prospects for what might be dubbed a 'logic first' approach to metaphysics, epistemology, the natural sciences, morality, aesthetics, and politics. Kant's philosophy is an exemplar of such an approach. Currently he's working on understanding how Kant conceived of logic and how he thinks a priori knowledge grounds the objectivity of experience.

Brett Andrew Sherman

Associate Professor

questions in the philosophy of language and epistemology Brett Sherman's research focuses on questions in the philosophy of language and epistemology. He is currently working on a project concerning the relation between open questions and modal concepts (those that pertain to what is possible and what is necessary). He is also interested in the ways in which linguistic meaning depends on the context in which linguistic expressions are used.
Philosophy of Science, History of Science, Analytic Philosophy Areas of Specialization: Philosophy and history of physics and applied mathematics; epistemology of applied science; models and ceteris paribus laws; patterns of formal teleology. Current Research Interests: Causality and indeterminism in the early 20th century; the principle of least action in a philosophical perspective; ceteris paribus laws in applied science.

Dr. Christopher O Tollefsen

Department Chair/Professor

Practical Ethics, Ethics of Inquiry, Disability and Social Justice Christopher Olaf Tollefsen is Professor of Philosophy at the University of South Carolina. His current research involves topics in natural law philosophy, especially concerning issues such as the nature of human action, the foundations of practical reason, political morality, and the application of natural law thought to applied ethical issues such as the morality of lying, beginning and end of life issues, and the ethics governing inquiry.

Jeffrey D. Turner

Senior Instructor

Ethics, Philosophy Mr. Turner is interested in the ethical aspects of philosophy and all that entails.

Dr. Justin Robert Weinberg

Associate Professor

Ethics, Political philosophy I work in political philosophy and ethics, and in both areas I explore different facets of the relationship between normative theorizing and real-world empirical facts. Because of my work on the relationship between normative theory and the real world, I have developed an interest in experimental philosophy. I also have interests in the ethical dimensions of our capacity to change ourselves and our world, and issues related to this, such as moral hazard.
Records 1 - 16 of 16